Who We Are

We are a non-profit service organization whose purpose is to develop Optimism as a way of life around the world.

We welcome positive people, youth leaders, community organizers, or anyone interested in making  a positive difference.  We reach out serving the World through Optimism.

The Global Optimist Club is incorporated under US501c4 as the International Centennial Optimist Club under Michigan law and is affiliated with Optimist International.  Our members are from 22 states and 5 different Nations – and growing.  Our members are ready to work with you on your dream for your community.  Our focus is on youth programs in developing nations.  Click here to add another nation.

Global Needs

Millions of people in the world live with depression, abuse and neglect.  Children suffer in many inner urban areas, migration camps an developing Nations.  Young adults are dying from suicide, drug abuse and depression.  Hateful polarization is turning friends into enemies.

Although Optimism will not totally cure these blights to humanity, Optimism will facilitate the solutions of all of the above.

Our Service

Our service is to inspire Optimist projects and programs in local communities all over the World.  We need YOUR inspiration to embrace Optimism and make a difference in your life and the lives of others in your community.

See how you can get Involved, make a donation or join us.

We need you!  Your kids and your community needs you!  The world needs you!