Involvement Is…

Join Us!

Join our enthusiastic, international club of volunteers!  Become a member of the International Centennial Optimist Club and change the lives of children around the world! An International Centennial Optimist Club Member commits to:
  1. Pay an annual $100 affiliation fee.
  2. Identify, create or support a worthy cause OR
  3. Charter an Optimist club in your community, organization, church, corporation or somewhere in the world.
  4. Agree to donate $1000 - $10,000 over 10 years to a worthy cause.
  5. Fill out this form to get more information on how to join us


    Start an Optimist Club!

    Do you want to start a club in your own community, in your workplace, your school or another community around the World?
    • Groups of 15 or more can form an Optimist Club with like-minded individuals
    • Our club members can bring support, expertise, connections and resources to help you set up and conduct your club and many projects and programs to bring out the best in youth and communities
    • Affiliation fees begin at $10 per member annually.  Benefits include full u se of planning guides, logo, forms, inclusion in Optimist International sponsored events and scholarship programs, representation at conferences along with optimistic support from other Optimist around the world!
    Email us at to discuss your goals and ideas